
Upgrading highway 4 between Kello-Räinänperä, Oulu and Ii

The work to upgrade highway 4 starts at the ending point of the highway in the intersection bridge in Korvala and ends in the municipality of Ii 500 meters north from the motorway 847 intersection in Haukiputaantie. In the project, 18 km of highway 4 is upgraded.

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E6 Arnkvern-Moelv wegenbouwproject in Noorwegen

In november 2017 won Veidekke AS de aanbesteding voor het wegenbouwproject Arnkvern-Moelv. Het project is gigantisch en bestaat uit de aanleg van 24 km vierbaansautoweg, inclusief meerdere bruggen, twee spoorbruggen en twee korte tunnels.

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Pilot Project Stad Pori

Digitalisering van hun infrastructuurprojecten staat al heel lang op de agenda van de stad Pori. Het doel was om machinebesturing zo snel mogelijk te implementeren, de projectdocumentatie te moderniseren en het volledige proces van de infrastructuurconstructie efficiënter te maken.

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CASE: The City of Hyvinkää – First Stage of the Hangonsilta Project

The first stage of the project was to clean the contaminated soil and prepare the area for residential construction.

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Vt6 Taavetti-Lappeenranta project on Infrakit

Highway 6, Taavetti-Lappeenranta (VT 6 TaaLa), is the main connector in South Karelia. In the project, the 29 km highway was expanded to have four lanes. 12 km of which was completely new road.

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CASE: City of Lahti – Suoniitynkatu Residential Street

One of the most challenging things about this project is to speed up the construction process. Suoniitynkatu is a ribbon-like street so it is quite difficult to create alternate routes among already existing structure

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CASE: Destia – Riippa-Eskola Double-Track Railway

The 30 km “Riippa-Eskola double track railway” project was completed on time. Financially the project was a resounding success with a profit margin of over 10%.

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