Case: E18 Hamina-Vaalimaa project was completed ahead of time

Almost two years ago we wrote about YIT Rakennus Oy’s project E18 Hamina-Vaalimaa. The project was still in its infancy and Infrakit was in use in every five subprojects of the enormous 32 km project. YIT’s quality manager Jussi Laamanen‘s goal was to have one data management in use with all subprojects.

Infrakit was taken in use in E18 Hamina-Vaalimaa project for on-site managers, foremen and surveying staff (~30 licences in total) and for 22 3D machine controlled equipment. Infrakit App for tablet was also in use in the project.

Benefits were obtained among others in design data reporting, in the field (files were named with a single name, where the files were stored on top of the project bank – the most recent one always on top) and Infrakit’s photographing feature.

“From my point of view as the Quality Manager, Infrakit makes monitoring the project in the field so much easier. There is no need to travel 35 kilometres for every little thing when I can just check it from my PC screen at the office. I am not tied to a time or place. It has been a big relief — I can see in real-time how the project is progressing” tells Laamanen.

How about now? The project has been completed and we promised to return to the subject.

The motorway was completed ahead of schedule and significantly cheaper than anticipated

The completion of the E18 Hamina-Vaalimaa project in spring 2018 completed the 344-kilometer highway from Turku to Vaalimaa. There are a total of 87 interchanges, 236 bridges and 12 tunnels along the road, and up to 87,000 vehicles per day on the road during peak periods.

Joni Rissanen, Measurement Supervisor at YIT, reports retrospectively about the benefits of Infrakit in his work in project measurement tasks:

“The most important benefits of Infrakit for my own work were:

  • The as-built points of the structural layers visible for everyone (including the work leader, the site engineers and the project section managers) and the fact that the as-built points were visible as soon as the machines took them
  • Control of work machines from your desk
  • For the management, Infrakit was a great asset – one could see on the tablet whether the as-built points were taken on the site and what accuracy was achieved.

“Infrakit was very useful for the project. It especially improved the flow of information. I would also recommend it for future use,” Joni Rissanen concludes.

Read more:

More information on the project on Väylä’s site

Our previous post on Hamina-Vaalimaa -project – CASE: YIT – E18 Hamina-Vaalimaa -highway

Published 27.2.2019

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